The clearcut is 4.8 hectares in size. At the site grew a mixture of younger forest that had grown up after final felling and forest that had not previously been clearcut. Closest to the river, the river had eroded the soft soil layers so that individual trees stood leaning out towards the water. Further in, from the shoreline, stood coarse spruces, and on the wetter parts grew Ostrich fern and Water Arum. On some of the dead spruces grew Porodaedalea chrysoloma and on a few Trembling aspen, the bracket fungi Phellinus populicola grew. The forest was felled by the PEFC-certified forest owners’ association Norra Skog on behalf of small-scale forestry. After the felling, the Swedish Forest Agency and the local County Administrative Board were informed that this clearcut was made all the way to the river side. With this specific river being an appointed Nature 2000-area, hosting a viable population of the endangered freshwater clam Eastern Pearl Mussel, one would expect some sort of action. The authorities did not do anything.
Before | After

FSC and PEFC are examples of certifications that aim to create an environmentally sound forestry. Read more about FSC and PEFC.
As you can see in the 3D-models, a clear-cut forest land might consist of several areas next to each other where the trees have ben felled at different times but, still, within a short period of time. Humans and the species who live there experience the clear-cut forest land as one area.