Before  |  After
Frame 32 – B

The clearcut is 12.9 hectares in size. The forest that grew here before final felling was about 150 years old and it was dominated by Norway spruce. As in so many other old forests, there were clear traces of forest fires that long ago passed through here. Occasional old tall Scots pines, with Common witch’s hair on their bark, rose above the canopy. The ground was covered with tall Bilberry and on moister patches, tall ferns grew. Tree lungworth grew on some of the old Goat willows and both Common witch’s hair and Spiny grey horsehair lichen were found on the spruce branches. On individual spruces, the typical chew marks created by the Three-toed woodpecker were seen. But despite finds of many red-listed species, the forest was felled by an FSC-certified forestry company on behalf of the small-scale forestry.

Frame 32 – B

The clearcut is 12.9 hectares in size. The forest that grew here before final felling was about 150 years old and it was dominated by Norway spruce. As in so many other old forests, there were clear traces of forest fires that long ago passed through here. Occasional old tall Scots pines, with Common witch’s hair on their bark, rose above the canopy. The ground was covered with tall Bilberry and on moister patches, tall ferns grew. Tree lungworth grew on some of the old Goat willows and both Common witch’s hair and Spiny grey horsehair lichen were found on the spruce branches. On individual spruces, the typical chew marks created by the Three-toed woodpecker were seen. But despite finds of many red-listed species, the forest was felled by an FSC-certified forestry company on behalf of the small-scale forestry.

Frame 32 – B

The clearcut is 12.9 hectares in size. The forest that grew here before final felling was about 150 years old and it was dominated by Norway spruce. As in so many other old forests, there were clear traces of forest fires that long ago passed through here. Occasional old tall Scots pines, with Common witch’s hair on their bark, rose above the canopy. The ground was covered with tall Bilberry and on moister patches, tall ferns grew. Tree lungworth grew on some of the old Goat willows and both Common witch’s hair and Spiny grey horsehair lichen were found on the spruce branches. On individual spruces, the typical chew marks created by the Three-toed woodpecker were seen. But despite finds of many red-listed species, the forest was felled by an FSC-certified forestry company on behalf of the small-scale forestry.

Frame 32 – B

The clearcut is 12.9 hectares in size. The forest that grew here before final felling was about 150 years old and it was dominated by Norway spruce. As in so many other old forests, there were clear traces of forest fires that long ago passed through here. Occasional old tall Scots pines, with Common witch’s hair on their bark, rose above the canopy. The ground was covered with tall Bilberry and on moister patches, tall ferns grew. Tree lungworth grew on some of the old Goat willows and both Common witch’s hair and Spiny grey horsehair lichen were found on the spruce branches. On individual spruces, the typical chew marks created by the Three-toed woodpecker were seen. But despite finds of many red-listed species, the forest was felled by an FSC-certified forestry company on behalf of the small-scale forestry.


FSC and PEFC are examples of certifications that aim to create an environmentally sound forestry. Read more about FSC and PEFC.

As you can see in the 3D-models, a clear-cut forest land might consist of several areas next to each other where the trees have ben felled at different times but, still, within a short period of time. Humans and the species who live there experience the clear-cut forest land as one area.