Before  |  After
Frame 32 – A

The clearcut is 14.9 hectares in size. The forest that grew here before final felling was about 120 years old and it was Scots pine-dominated. The orange bark of the pines where often partially dressed with the red-listed lichen Common witch’s hair. Up in an old pine, there was a large raptor nest. These large bird nests are very important for birds of prey and owls. The nest had probably been built by the Common buzzard or by the Northern goshawk. On the ground, the two legally protected orchids Lesser butterfly-orchid and Creeping lady’s-tresses were found. After felling, none of the above mentioned remained. The felling was done by the PEFC-certified forest owners’ association Norra Skog on behalf of the small-scale forestry.

Frame 32 – A

The clearcut is 14.9 hectares in size. The forest that grew here before final felling was about 120 years old and it was Scots pine-dominated. The orange bark of the pines where often partially dressed with the red-listed lichen Common witch’s hair. Up in an old pine, there was a large raptor nest. These large bird nests are very important for birds of prey and owls. The nest had probably been built by the Common buzzard or by the Northern goshawk. On the ground, the two legally protected orchids Lesser butterfly-orchid and Creeping lady’s-tresses were found. After felling, none of the above mentioned remained. The felling was done by the PEFC-certified forest owners’ association Norra Skog on behalf of the small-scale forestry.

Frame 32 – A

The clearcut is 14.9 hectares in size. The forest that grew here before final felling was about 120 years old and it was Scots pine-dominated. The orange bark of the pines where often partially dressed with the red-listed lichen Common witch’s hair. Up in an old pine, there was a large raptor nest. These large bird nests are very important for birds of prey and owls. The nest had probably been built by the Common buzzard or by the Northern goshawk. On the ground, the two legally protected orchids Lesser butterfly-orchid and Creeping lady’s-tresses were found. After felling, none of the above mentioned remained. The felling was done by the PEFC-certified forest owners’ association Norra Skog on behalf of the small-scale forestry.

Frame 32 – A

The clearcut is 14.9 hectares in size. The forest that grew here before final felling was about 120 years old and it was Scots pine-dominated. The orange bark of the pines where often partially dressed with the red-listed lichen Common witch’s hair. Up in an old pine, there was a large raptor nest. These large bird nests are very important for birds of prey and owls. The nest had probably been built by the Common buzzard or by the Northern goshawk. On the ground, the two legally protected orchids Lesser butterfly-orchid and Creeping lady’s-tresses were found. After felling, none of the above mentioned remained. The felling was done by the PEFC-certified forest owners’ association Norra Skog on behalf of the small-scale forestry.


FSC and PEFC are examples of certifications that aim to create an environmentally sound forestry. Read more about FSC and PEFC.

As you can see in the 3D-models, a clear-cut forest land might consist of several areas next to each other where the trees have ben felled at different times but, still, within a short period of time. Humans and the species who live there experience the clear-cut forest land as one area.