The clearcut is 18.2 hectares in size. In this forest there were both Norway spruce and Scots pine, a so-called coniferous mixed forest. There were plenty of standing dead pines that had died in competition with spruce. Logs were scattered on the ground to the great joy of the species that live in dead wood. In some parts the soil was more nutritious and there were occasional coarse spruce trees. On several of these spruces there feeding marks made by Europe’s largest woodpecker, the Black woodpecker. On the ground grew the tiny Lesser twayblade and on the lying dead spruces grew the vulnerable crust fungi Phlebia centrifua. The forest was felled by the PEFC-certified forest owners’ association Norra Skog. The ground was very moist in several places. Despite this, heavy machines where used, which had created deep driving damages in the soft soil.
Before | After

FSC and PEFC are examples of certifications that aim to create an environmentally sound forestry. Read more about FSC and PEFC.
As you can see in the 3D-models, a clear-cut forest land might consist of several areas next to each other where the trees have ben felled at different times but, still, within a short period of time. Humans and the species who live there experience the clear-cut forest land as one area.