The clear-cut area is 8 hectares in size. This Norway spruce-dominated forest grew on a gentle eastern slope. There were storm-felled trees in several places. In the lower parts of the slope the ground used to be moist and covered with old dead spruces. In these places the vulnerable fungi Phlebia centrifuga was found, a species of crust fungus in the family Meruliaceae. Also, the rare and nearly threatened Rhodofomes roseus was found in these places. After the felling, there were major ground damages from the heavy harvesting machines. The forest was logged by an FSC-certified forestry company.
Before | After

FSC and PEFC are examples of certifications that aim to create an environmentally sound forestry. Read more about FSC and PEFC.
As you can see in the 3D-models, a clear-cut forest land might consist of several areas next to each other where the trees have ben felled at different times but, still, within a short period of time. Humans and the species who live there experience the clear-cut forest land as one area.