Together, these nearby clearcuts occupy an area of approximately 100 hectares. In the north, around the mountain knoll that gave the area its name, grew an old spruce forest with elements of old Goat willows. Here, felling has taken place in stages and the clear-felled area has moved up towards the top of the mountain where it is too difficult for the machines to reach. In the lower parts of the slope, several old Scots pines and Goat willows were found. Some pines were close to 300 years old. On some of the willows, the near-threatened Tree lungworth and the Pimpled kidney lichen, which is an indicator species, had been found. In the flat area to the south, many traces of a previous fire, which had swept through the area, were seen. Many pines with an age of up to 200-300 years were seen and several very old Norway spruces. The forest was clearcut by state-owned forestry company Sveaskog, which is an FSC-certified company.
Before | After

FSC and PEFC are examples of certifications that aim to create an environmentally sound forestry. Read more about FSC and PEFC.
As you can see in the 3D-models, a clear-cut forest land might consist of several areas next to each other where the trees have ben felled at different times but, still, within a short period of time. Humans and the species who live there experience the clear-cut forest land as one area.